
  • 水疗
  • on JULY 5, 2017
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而一个装满泡泡的浴缸和一大杯葡萄酒可能是放松的第一件事, 卡利斯托加为游客提供了许多其他的方式来清理他们的头脑和抚慰他们的灵魂. Check out some of our favorite places to chill out, 放松一下, and bring some balance into your life upvalley.

755 Silverado Trail N
Calistoga, CA 94515
(707) 266-7534
TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars; 908 reviews

没有什么地方能像索拉格岛那样让你体验到极致的放松. Their beautiful grounds, extensive pools, 和优秀的水疗治疗菜单为客人提供各种各样的选择找到安慰.

Northern 纳帕 Valley is also known for it’s low light pollution, which means the view of stars is phenomenal at night. If this fits your fancy, book an evening session at the spa after hours. Their Starlight at the Bath House 治疗让客人浸泡,蒸汽,在甜蜜的孤独的星空下放松. 配合他们的指导漂浮冥想,说再见你的烦恼,因为他们消退.

内幕消息: As a Premier Partner of WineCountry.com and 纳帕valley.通过我们的特别在线优惠,Solage可以为客人提供独家奖励. 添加免费的一瓶Solage的私人葡萄酒和3层的各种糕点阵列, 奶酪, fruits and artisan bites to your upcoming stay.

点击这里 to select date(s) of stay, guest count and number of rooms needed. No additional offer code required. If you prefer to book via phone, 拨打(707)226-0800,申请wineccountry优惠(WCCOM)。.

Indian Springs
1712 Lincoln Ave
Calistoga, CA 94515
(707) 942-4913
TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars; 103 reviews

如果品酒已经让你疲惫不堪,那就在印第安泉的水疗中心放松一下,恢复活力. Their Buddha Pond is a lush, green oasis of quiet calm. 附上的, private area features a geyser-fed pond, 棕榈树, 花园, and outdoor fireplace lounge that creates a space for quiet meditation. 选择懒洋洋地躺在阳光下或阴凉处,在池塘边或壁炉旁边. 当蜻蜓掠过倒影池时,啜饮黄瓜和柑橘的水,在八英尺高的水中偷偷打盹, hand-carved granite Buddha statue keeps watch over the courtyard.

内幕消息: As a Premier Partner of WineCountry.com and 纳帕valley.通过我们的特殊在线优惠,印第安泉可以为客人提供独家奖励. These exclusive benefits include:

●Access to their Olympic Sized pool (open until Midnight)
●Waived Resort Fee
●Complimentary Parking
●Best Rate Guarantee

点击这里 to select date(s) of stay, guest count and number of rooms needed. No additional offer code required. 如果你更喜欢通过电话预订,请拨打(707)942-4913,并提到wineccountry.com.

1006 Washington St
Calistoga, CA 94515
(707) 341-0388

Endorphins have a way of making you feel better immediately, but the only way to get at them pumping is do a bit of exercise. 让你的血液从卡利斯托加健身班由卡利斯托加的顶级健身指导之一, Donovan Almond. 注册的客人卡利斯托加温泉水疗中心被邀请预订任何他的高能量健身课程,包括, 瑜伽, 训练营, 普拉提, 和硫氧还蛋白, 等

内幕消息: If you’re staying at Calistoga Hot Springs Spa, which we highly recommend, 检查他们的礼宾,因为他们经常为酒店客人提供折扣和专业的卡利斯托加健身课程交易.

Calistoga Spa Hot Springs
1006 Washington Street
Calistoga, CA 94515
(707) 942-6269
TripAdvisor: 4 stars; 470 reviews

这家迷人的酒店是为数不多的提供传统泥浴体验的地方之一. With 56 renovated guest rooms, a full service spa, mud baths and mineral pools, 卡利斯托加温泉几十年来一直是山谷中的一个机构,这一点也不奇怪. 水疗客人可以免费使用自然加热的矿物池,提前24小时预订按摩治疗或泥浴. 具有讽刺意味的是,我们发现一点污垢是清除所有这些担忧的最好方法.

内幕消息: For a real treat, 体验一种他们称之为“The Works”的按摩和沐浴结合疗法,” a true indulgence lasting over two hours.

Oat Hill Mine Trail
1800 Lincoln Ave
Calistoga, CA 94515
TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars; 21 reviews
Image Source: 纳帕outdoors.org

如果像莲花一样静静地坐着冥想的想法有点太吓人了, try your hand at a walking meditation instead! Clear your head on this easy hike, 当你沿着小路走下去时,可以欣赏到山脉和周围葡萄园的美景. Complete the hike and be rewarded with sweeping views of the valley. Although the trail is shaded, it can be warm during the summer, so remember to bring water – not just wine – and stay hydrated.

内幕消息: 请提前到达,因为小道入口处的停车位数量有限. Additional parking can be found on the nearby road.

Mayacamas Ranch
3975 Mountain 首页 Ranch Road
Calistoga, CA 94515
(707) 942-5127
TripAdvisor: 4.5 stars; 27 reviews

Perched high on the hilltop ridgeline is Mayacamas Ranch. The 360-degree views of the valley wow guests with an awe-inspiring, 自然环境是各种团体聚会和研讨会的完美选择. 他们还举办持续的瑜伽静修,冥想小组和神圣的工会. 这个独特的环境是一个更新、反思和联系的理想场所.

内幕消息: If a massage is on your radar, let Mayacamas know. They can arrange for a massage therapist to come to you on the property. While there isn’t a dedicated fitness center, 在物业小径上徒步旅行或在周围社区跑步,让你的血液循环起来.

Old Faithful Geyser
1299 Tubbs Lane
Calistoga, CA 94515
(707) 942-6463
TripAdvisor: 3 stars; 741 reviews

在老忠实间歇泉(Old Faithful Geyser)欣赏山谷最古老的自然奇观之一. 它的定期喷发令游客们欣喜不已,并为它赢得了加州拍照最多的景点之一. 有趣的是,他们的间歇泉也被证明是一个方便的地震预报器. 如果常规喷发被推迟,地震很可能在未来几周内出现. 带上一些零食,带上你的相机,在阳光明媚的日子里观看彩虹绽放.

内幕消息: 停止了 Tamber Bey Vineyards next door and pick up a bottle for a geyser-side picnic.

Heibel Wines Tasting Room
1458 Lincoln Ave
Calistoga, CA 94515
(707) 341-3551
TripAdvisor: 5 stars; 18 reviews

Image Source: Vino Visit 博客
Since their main winery is a bit outside Calistoga, 海贝尔现在在市中心有一个品酒室,这真是一件好事. 他们的重点是质量而不是数量,并寻求为客人提供家庭式的品尝. 他们脚踏实地的理念和对葡萄酒的热情体现在他们工艺的各个方面.

内幕消息: Train buffs rejoice, 这家质朴的品酒室是ag体育正规唯一一家完全坐落在一辆翻新的火车车厢里的品酒室.

1226 Washington St
Calistoga, CA 94515
(707) 942-4472

奥拉比西是泰德和金·奥斯本夫妇的独特冒险. They pride themselves on limited production, handcrafted wines that come from one-of-a-kind vineyard sources. With a miniscule production of fewer than 1,000 cases per year, 他们能够专注于每一款葡萄酒,作为他们真正令人难以置信的葡萄园的个人表达. 在前往之前,一定要打电话预约,体验他们把美丽的水果变成美丽的葡萄酒的艺术.

内幕消息: Be sure to pick up any wines you love on site, because their tiny production doesn’t allow for distribution.

生物: Nicole McLaughlin is a food and lifestyle writer from California. When she’s not in the kitchen testing her latest recipes, 你可以在圣地亚哥充满活力的精酿啤酒现场发现她在探索发酵的奇迹.


WineCountry Collective

wineccountry是由一个专注而充满激情的葡萄酒,美食和旅游爱好者团队组成的. 我们孜孜不倦地探索远近地区,以策划最好的想法和资源. Whether you're musing over your next wine escapade, planning a romantic weekend away, embracing the Wine Country lifestyle at home, or are simply looking to be entertained for a moment, trust us to be your comprehensive guide.